One is focused on hypersonics with the Navy. “We have three active OTAs right now,” she explained. “What I love about it is it truly is a diverse organization. For Tara Kilcullen, the Training and Readiness Accelerator (TReX) Director, this collaboration is part of what attracted her to the group. This is thanks in part due to the cross-pollination the group as a whole is designed around.

Using distinct OTAs, NSTXL can ensure challenges are met in a quick fashion. Using NTSXL networks as a conduit for creativity thanks to their wider reach, especially among companies and individuals not typically involved with DoD contracts, Greeff has built a powerhouse of an OTA, what is now one of the leading DoD OTA contracting channels. The reduced capacity for innovation meant “stuff that was getting delivered to the government was actually outdated.” But Greeff then found a solution via OTAs. While that project brought with it some short-lived scrutiny of NSTXL and the Other Transaction Agreements (OTAs) contracting mechanism overall, Greeff remains committed in his belief that their unique public networking approach will drive much-needed innovation in addressing government-led opportunities. They gained international attention in late 2020 when the Space Force awarded them a 10-year, $12-billion Space Enterprise Consortium (SpEC) contract.

NSTXL was founded in 2014 and has been developing a network of technology companies and minds from across the nation.

This complexity, according to Greeff, is partly to blame for the decline in innovation required to keep pace with not only the nation’s adversaries but also with the basic commercial marketplace.